
The endpoint will automatically match the tenant information provided with an existing tenant within the system.

At least one of the following tenant identifiers need to be provided:

  • Internal tenant identifier (identifier)
  • External tenant identifier (external_ref) and the group id the tenant belongs to (group)
  • The email address of the tenant (email_address)
  • The phone number of the tenant (phone_number)

If no tenant match is retrieved, an empty set of leases will be returned.

Active leases have an end date in the future and a start date in the past relative to the current date.

All date fields included in the body parameters need to be specified as ISO8601-formatted date strings.

Date fields should follow a “YYYY-MM-DD” format.

If finding tenants via their external referance, you must provide the group the tenant belongs to.

The group can be specified via either the group_id or group_external_ref attribute.

Do not provide both, as this will result in the request failing.

Example use cases

This endpoint allows you to find leases for a specific tenant.

You can retrieve all leases for a tenant given their internal id or external reference and group id.

You can retrieve all leases for a tenant given their phone number or email address.

default: "none"required

The authentication token for your request


default: "none"

The identifier for the tenant to retrieve leases for.

default: "none"

The external identifier for the tenant to retrieve leases for.

default: "none"

The email address for the tenant to retrieve leases for.

default: "none"

The phone number for the tenant to retrieve leases for.

default: "false"

Determines whether only active leases are retrieved for the provided tenant.

default: "none"

The id of the group the tenant belongs to.

This attribute or the group_external_ref one is needed if using the external_ref for the tenant.

default: "none"

The external reference of the group the tenant belongs to.

This attribute or the group_id one is needed if using the external_ref for the tenant.

default: "1"

The API returns a maximum of 100 records per call.

You can use this parameter to load the next set of records by passing in the value returned in the response, under last_id.



The last id in the set of results returned for this API call.

You can use this value in the after-id parameter to load the next set of results.

If there are no more results to load, this value will be -1.


A list of the leases that have been retrieved.


Listed below are common errors that may be returned by the endpoint, along with their corresponding status code.

Status Code - 400

Missing Authorization header
   "error": {
    "type": "missing_authorization",
    "message": "Your request does not include an 'Authorization' header with a bearer token for your account."

Status Code - 401

Expired Authorization header bearer token value
   "error": {
    "type": "expired_token",
    "message": "The bearer token you have provided in the 'Authorization' header has expired. Please obtain a new one."

Status Code - 401

Invalid Authorization header bearer token value
   "error": {
    "type": "invalid_authorization",
    "message": "The bearer token you have provided in the 'Authorization' header is invalid."

Status Code - 400

Returned if none of the tenant parameters are provided in the request body

No tenant information
   "error": {
    "type": "no_tenant_information",
    "message": "You need to provide at least one of identifier, external_ref AND group, email_address, or phone_number in the request body."

Status Code - 400

Returned if both of the group_id and group_external_ref attributes are provided

Both group id and external ref provided for the find leases for tenant operation
   "error": {
    "type": "both_group_identifiers_provided",
    "message": "You have provided both the group id and group external reference for the find leases for tenant operation. Please only provide one of the two."

Status Code - 400

Returned if no group_id or group_external_ref is provdided when identifying a tenant via an external_ref

No group id or group external ref provided for tenant external reference.
   "error": {
    "type": "both_group_identifiers_provided",
    "message": "You have not a group id or group external reference when identifying a tenant via their external reference. Please provide one of the two."