Below is our standard data structure for a vacancy:
The name of the community for the vacancy you want to create.
The external reference of the community for the vacancy you want create.
The active date for the vacancy you want to create.
The name of the building for the vacancy you want to create.
The first line of the address for the vacancy you want to create.
The second line of the address for the vacancy you want to create.
The city of the address for the vacancy you want to create.
The state of the address for the vacancy you want to create.
The country of the address for the vacancy you want to create.
The postal code of the address for the vacancy you want to create.
The longitude of the address for the vacancy you want to create.
The latitude of the address for the vacancy you want to create.
The list of amenities available in the vacancy’s building.
The number of bathrooms for the property you want to create.
The number of bedrooms for the vacancy you want to create.
Free text description of the vacancy.
Text description of any features of the unit.
Apartment finish name.
The URL for the floorplan of the vacancy you want to create.
URLs for any images associated with the vacancy you want to create.
Whether the vacancy is for a flex apartment or not.
Whether the vacancy is for a furnished apartment or not.
Whether the vacancy is for a furnished apartment or not.
A list of the terms for the vacancy to be created.
The move in date for the vacancy to be created.
The square feet surface for the vacancy to be created.
The url for online/video tours of the vacancy to be created.
The unit number for the vacancy to be created.
The type of the unit associated with the vacancy to be created.
Will be either apartment or studio_apartment.
The url of the vacancy to be created.