Webhook Signature Verification

To ensure the integrity and authenticity of webhook messages sent by Travtus, webhook signatures are used. This process helps to verify that the messages are indeed from us. For a more detailed explanation, check out this article on why you should verify webhooks.

How to Verify Webhooks with Svix Libraries

Our webhook partner Svix offers a set of useful libraries that make verifying webhooks very simple. Below is an example using Python:

Python Example

from svix.webhooks import Webhook

secret = "whsec_MfKQ9r8GKYqrTwjUPD8ILPZIo2LaLaSw"

# These were all sent from the server
headers = {
  "svix-id": "msg_p5jXN8AQM9LWM0D4loKWxJek",
  "svix-timestamp": "1614265330",
  "svix-signature": "v1,g0hM9SsE+OTPJTGt/tmIKtSyZlE3uFJELVlNIOLJ1OE=",
payload = '{"test": 2432232314}'

wh = Webhook(secret)
# Throws on error, returns the verified content on success
payload = wh.verify(payload, headers)

Additional Resources

For more instructions and examples on how to verify signatures, please refer to the webhook verification documentation.

Webhook Setup Instructions

To set up webhooks and ensure they are authenticated properly, follow these steps:

  1. Request Webhook Setup: Contact [email protected] to request the setup of your webhook. Provide the URL where you would like to receive webhook events.

  2. Receive Webhook Credentials: Once the webhook is set up, you will receive a webhook secret (whsec_...) from Travtus. This secret is used to verify the authenticity of incoming webhook events.

  3. Configure Webhook Verification: Use the Svix libraries to configure webhook verification in your application. Below are examples in various programming languages.

Node.js Example

const { Webhook } = require('svix');

const secret = "whsec_MfKQ9r8GKYqrTwjUPD8ILPZIo2LaLaSw";

const headers = {
  'svix-id': 'msg_p5jXN8AQM9LWM0D4loKWxJek',
  'svix-timestamp': '1614265330',
  'svix-signature': 'v1,g0hM9SsE+OTPJTGt/tmIKtSyZlE3uFJELVlNIOLJ1OE=',
const payload = '{"test": 2432232314}';

const wh = new Webhook(secret);

try {
  const verifiedPayload = wh.verify(payload, headers);
  console.log('Verified payload:', verifiedPayload);
} catch (err) {
  console.error('Verification failed:', err);

PHP Example

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Svix\Webhook;

$secret = "whsec_MfKQ9r8GKYqrTwjUPD8ILPZIo2LaLaSw";

$headers = [
  'svix-id' => 'msg_p5jXN8AQM9LWM0D4loKWxJek',
  'svix-timestamp' => '1614265330',
  'svix-signature' => 'v1,g0hM9SsE+OTPJTGt/tmIKtSyZlE3uFJELVlNIOLJ1OE=',
$payload = '{"test": 2432232314}';

$wh = new Webhook($secret);

try {
  $verifiedPayload = $wh->verify($payload, $headers);
  echo 'Verified payload: ', $verifiedPayload;
} catch (Exception $e) {
  echo 'Verification failed: ', $e->getMessage();

For any questions or further assistance, please contact our support team at [email protected].

Thank you for choosing Travtus!