Connecting Your Google Review Data to the Travtus Platform

Integrating your Google Review data with the Travtus platform is a straightforward process. Follow the steps below to get started:

Step 1: Provide Admin Email Address

To begin, we need the email address that is an admin of your Google Business Profile. This will allow us to send an invitation to connect your Google Reviews to our platform.

  • Ensure the email address you provide has admin privileges for your Google Business Profile.
  • Send the admin email address to our support team at [email protected].

Step 2: Receive and Accept Invitation

Once we receive your admin email address, we will issue an invitation email. This email will contain a link to approve and provide delegated authority to access the reviews at your communities.

Step 3: Integration Complete

After you have approved the access, the Travtus platform will automatically handle the community matching and integration process. If you have opted to benefit from the automated review responding feature, no further setup is required. Our system will start managing your review responses immediately. That’s it! Your Google Review data will now be accessible through the Travtus platform, providing you with valuable insights and enhanced data management capabilities. For any questions or assistance, please contact our support team at [email protected]. Thank you for choosing Travtus!