Connect the Adam O365 App (ADAM3-LEARN)

Authorize the Adam application to be able to access Email address within the domain.

To do this navigate HERE to grant permissions to the application. You will need to login as an Authorized user.

After successful granting of permissions, you should be redirected to the success page on

Configure Active Directory Security Settings

Create a Security Group to restrict the inboxes that the Adam application is able to monitor.

Create Security Group

  • Login to with an Admin account
  • Click HERE and click on the tab[Mail-enabled security]
  • Click on Add a group
  • Select Mail-enabled security then click Next
  • Set a Group Name e.g. “Adam Email App Security Group” name and click Next
  • Set a group Email Address
  • Allow access to external users Communication
  • Select Approval (this requires owner approval to be able to join the group)
  • Click Next, then create.

Make note of the Group Email address - you will need this later.

Add Email Inboxes to Group

Add the inboxes to be monitored to the security group that you have just made.

Click HERE and click on tab Mail-enabled security Click on the group and add emails you want to allow APIs to access

Access Restriction Policy

Restrict the permissions that the security group is able to access.

  • Run PowerShell as Admin

  • Run

    Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned\
  • Install required Utilities

    Install-Module PowerShellGet -Force (skip if already installed)
    Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement -Force (skip if already installed)
    Get-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement (skip if already installed)
  • Login as ADMIN to create Restriction Policy:

    Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName {ADMIN_EMAIL_ADDRESS_HERE}
  • Sign in as Admin in pop-up window and run

    New-ApplicationAccessPolicy -AppId a130724b-da41-4556-8d63-1abb61c196d1 -PolicyScopeGroupId {GROUP_EMAIL_ADDRESS_HERE} -AccessRight RestrictAccess -Description "YOUR DESCRIPTION HERE."

Test if the Access Restriction is working:

To test a specific inbox address has been added to the security group correctly, run the below command in powershell.

Test-ApplicationAccessPolicy -Identity {AN_EMAIL_ADDRESS_HERE} -AppId a130724b-da41-4556-8d63-1abb61c196d1

AccessCheckResult should be Granted or Denied