Setting Up a Twilio Phone Number to Interact with Adam

To set up a Twilio phone number to interact with Adam, follow the instructions below. This setup will allow Adam to handle both voice calls and SMS messages for your community.

Step 1: Request Configuration

Submit a request to [email protected] with the following information for each community you want to configure:

  • Twilio Account SID
  • Phone Number
  • Community it is linked to

Step 2: Configure Twilio Phone Number

Access Your Twilio Console

  1. Log in to your Twilio account at Twilio Console.
  2. Navigate to the “Phone Numbers” section.

Configure Voice and Messaging URLs

For each phone number you want to configure:

  1. Select the phone number you want to set up from the list.
  2. Scroll down to the “Voice & Fax” section.
    • In the “A CALL COMES IN” field, select “Webhook” and enter the following URL for UAT:
    • For Production, enter:
  3. Scroll down to the “Messaging” section.
    • In the “A MESSAGE COMES IN” field, select “Webhook” and enter the following URL for UAT:
    • For Production, enter:

Save Configuration

  • Click on the “Save” button to apply the changes. By following these steps, you can configure your Twilio phone numbers to interact with Adam, allowing seamless handling of voice calls and SMS messages. For any questions or assistance, please contact our support team at [email protected].